Two toggle switches with on and off options


  • A great session for getting a bit of speed in the legs, and also for pushing yourself in a controlled way
  • Works well on flat roads or the running track

On/Off is the ideal session for when you're starting to get back into tougher sessions after a break or a period of easier training.

The Session

The session essentially involves running a set number of steps at a fast pace, and then running the same number of steps at an easy pace.

You then continue to repeat the process of running a certain number of steps quickly and the same number of steps slowly until the session is finished. The number of steps and repetitions can be adjusted according to desired intensity.


Mainly On

If you want to make the session tougher then increase the number of fast steps (or reduce the number of slow steps). Effectively taking shorter recoveries.

Real World Example

Start running at a comfortable pace and get into the habit of counting your steps.

The session begins with you running 70 steps fast followed by 70 steps easy. Repeat this ten times.

Following the ten repeats, walk or jog slowly for a couple of minutes.

Now alternate between running 60 steps fast and 60 steps easy. Repeat this ten times as well.

Following this set have another couple of minutes recovery.

Next alternate 50 steps fast and 50 easy steps, and repeat this ten times. Continue in a like manner, reducing the number of on/off steps for each set by 10 until you are eventually running just 10 steps fast/10 steps easy.

Following a five-minute jog recovery cycle through all the steps again.

A session that involves exactly the same number of steps, but is more challenging psychologically, is to start the first set with 10 steps on/off and work up in increments of 10 steps to 70. Knowing that each successive set will get harder can be tough mentally.


Focus on running with good form during the fast sections. Run with an upright posture, get your knees up and drive the elbows back.

You don't have to be ultra accurate with the number of steps. Some runners find it a useful distraction, but others find it too demanding. If you're struggling you could try counting once for every two or three steps.


Remember to warm up before your session and cool down afterwards.