Circuit Mix
- An excellent opportunity for a whole-body workout
- Works well on a running track or an area of well-maintained grass
Can't decide whether to run or do circuit training? Why not both?
The Session
The idea behind the session is to alternate periods of running with periods of other exercises, such as those typically performed in a circuit training session.
You can incorporate rest periods by adding them between transitions, or between sets.
Real World Example
A runner performs the following:
30 seconds run; 30 seconds press-ups; 30 seconds run; 30 seconds plank; 30 seconds run; 30 seconds star jumps; 30 seconds run; 30 seconds squats; 30 seconds run.
That looks like a lot written out, but it's just 4 and a half minutes of work (albeit hard work—the lack of any recovery makes it pretty tough).
They take a couple of minutes to recover and then repeat with different exercises.
Following another two minutes of recovery, they perform the first set of exercises again.

Be sure to pick exercises that you can carry out fairly comfortably for 30 seconds. You'll get tired pretty quickly during this session.
If the session is too demanding or too easy just modify the time spent running and/or circuiting.