Reverse Age Grading Calculator
Age Grading Percentages
An age-grading percentage is a means of measuring and comparing the quality of a running performance.
A calculation is carried out that takes into account the run distance, surface (track or road), and the age and the sex of the runner. This produces a percentage value that can then be used to compare performances between males and females and across different ages and events.
This is a reverse age-grading calculator, which means that the calculator works out the times you need to run in order to achieve a specified age-grading percentage.
There's lots more information on age gradings in general on our age-grading calculator page.
Interpreting Results
Older runners and younger runners
Since age-grading tables are compiled specifically with age in mind, most runners should find that the range of times required to achieve a certain percentage reflects their expectations fairly well. But it's worth noting some typical differences between older and younger runners.
Although it's true that most runners slow down as they age, speed tends to drop off more quickly than endurance, so if you're a distance runner, then
the case thatBut don't be disheartened if you're an older runner, because it's not just your chronological age that's important; your "running age" (which is simply the number of years you've been running) generally has a far greater impact on your performance. Anecdotally, and this of course will vary depending on a variety of factors such as training load, many runners find that they hit their running peak roughly eight to ten years after they taking it up.
Even if you haven't the slightest interest in basic speed for performance, we thoroughly recommend you include some faster running in your training on a regular basis, since it brings a wide range of benefits.
Younger runners usually find that they have a speed advantage over older runners, but sometimes struggle to perform as well over greater distances. Endurance tends to improve as mileage increases naturally with continued training.
Newer runners
Since endurance takes quite a while to build, and even longer to reach its peak, many newer runners will find that they perform better over shorter distances, so may find that the times required for the longer distances feel tougher to achieve.
Seasoned runners
More seasoned runners will probably be aware of their strongest event(s), and this will likely be reflected in the times generated by this calculator.
All runners
Comparison of your personal bests/records to the results should help you identify stronger and weaker events and performances.
Using the calculator
To use the calculator simply enter your age, sex, and desired age-grading percentage.
The results will show you the times you need to run for a variety of popular distances on both the track and the road in order to achieve that age-grading percentage